Remember when you were a kid and someone would ask you what did you want to be when you grow up? You said something you were certain that you were going to be that.
Later on in life maybe after high school or college you decided to go another route?Then got confused, because certain circumstance and misfortunes got it the way of your hopes and dreams. Then you take a job that you can't stand, but it pays the bills, I have kids now, I need to pay the rent so I have to stick with this job that I can't stand.
Then you see someone on TV that is doing what you wanted to be or something that you know who became very successful at the accomplishment you wanted to achieve. You ended up discourage, upset, and frustrated. You think that it's to late you do it, now! It's Over!!!
We were all born for a purpose to do something for God!!! Whether it's singing, acting, dancing, business, teaching and other things. We are were called by God for something.
It's by hard work and determination how far you want to take it. Circumstances may set you back, but it can't stay there for long. There's a time and place for everything. Not everyone is suppose to be a rapper on TV. Or a singer, bouncin at the Grammy's!!
I know some of the most out cold singers here in Detroit that work hard, and show it every time at the Downtown Jazz Clubs or Churches!! One Monkey should stop any show!!!
If you really want to be successful in life you have practice your craft, work at it!! Also invest in yourself!! Put time and money in what you were called to do. If you don't have the time or money, ask God for it!
Don't just through in the towel because your expectations didn't came to pass the way you wanted them too or your circumstance seemed to be greater than the call on your life!
I'm here to tell you it's not!!! You pretty much know what your call or passion is. So get on it, because the world needs it!!
Truth :)