Social Networks are a extremely major thing of the Web World these days. It seems like everyone is on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc. There are some advantages to the web sites. You can network, connect with old friends, check certain people out. lol There are a lot of interesting things that can connect to these web sites. Communication use to be the key of good relationships. right? You don't have to talk to people on the phone anymore. You can go on their page to see what's going on with them now or check out there status.
There are scientific facts that the more you are on a social network the more neglected you feel, your self-esteem becomes lower. Actually, I can easily related to that. There have been times I found out that some people that I know have went to certain events I didn't know about. Sometimes the 100's or 1000's of people that are your friends are people that you've met once, or that you don't know at all but you two know the same people.
It just shows that you know a lot of people, Are they really your friend's? 60% percent of those people I don't even have their numbers. The people who contact you are the one you really don't care to hear from most of the time. Or maybe not!
Stuff becomes unpersonable sometimes. You find find out somebody dies, in the hospital, or something else happens before someone calls you, or notifies you at all. You would think phone lines would be less expensive, but all smartphones )with everyone has) has applications now, you have to pay that $30 or more every month anyway. So not so cheap anyway.
Then you find your ex-boyfriend who's married now with two kids, that avoids you or what you and him to reconnect. Huh? The high school folks that talked about you. That is all of a sudden cool with you or you find out that they are doing much better than you or worse. Wow!!!!
You can be bitter with that stuff even though it's easy to be. Like I said there are Advantages and Disadvantages to everything nothing is perfect. You do have to be careful, about some things, such as these kind of sites. They weren't created for you to be unhappy or bitter. They were created for fun, happy, times. LOL! We have to understand what's real and what's not real. It's ok to pick up the phone to call people or go back to e-mails. I'm sick of spam, people.
We have to be in tune with yourselves as people. Hugs and Kisses!! An average people need to be touched at least 5 times (especially woman)!! Talk to people who you care about. Maybe tell them that you love them in person would be nice!!!!! :)
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