Engagement Rings
Wedding Plans,
The Bridal Shower Pics (actually Tied The Knot) Name Changing,
The Sonogram Pics
The Belly Growing Pics
Don't forget the Gender Revealing Pic,
Of course the Baby Shower Pics,
The Arrival Of the baby, and Kids first day of school, etc.
I know I'm not engaged yet, but OMG a sista is feeing the pressure! As a semi-single woman I feel what total singles are going through listening and seeing those situations all day everyday. Don't get me wrong I am happy for them, but I wonder why don't I have that now?
In your 30's, it seems that you have to have a great career, with marriage and a couple of kids, or the stay at home mom, with the house and cars, living the good life.
I hope to have those things one day, and I pray that Eric and I will have that very soon.
Although it's pressure when people ask me why I'm not married or have kids yet, also looking at others lives seeing that. Accusing me of not wanting that life because I'm 3 inches from 35, still living with my parents, working part time at Macy's and not having other things going on in my life, but that's private.
I will say this I am excited to soon share my life with Eric. I'm happy with my little nephews. At least when I get tired of them we can get them right back. lol Even though I'm 34 going on 35 in March, I am in no hurry with making my soon to be grown up life, My reality!!!!!!