
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Brokenness In The Church?

Wow! Lately I've been noticing about relationships, even in the Body Of Christ. A lot has been going on with so called "Past Sins". How us as the Body of Christ judge each other knowing that we've been in their shoes or maybe worst.

Not justifying anyone, but haven't we all come short of the glory of God? I have heard about Gospel Artist Detrick Haddon leaving his ex-wife after he had an affair with a woman, got her pregnant, had a daughter and is now engaged to the child's mother. Okay!

He later revealed that his ex-wife had an affair with Issac Carree around that time, first. Okay! Does two wrongs make it right? I don't think so. Not saying no one makes mistakes. I can't judge any of them cause I myself have done a good amount of dirt, that Christians can easily say Girl, you are a hot mess!

Can't we let God put back together broken relationships (especially towards) marriages? For example Tye Tribbet cheated on his wife, because he found out this his wife cheated on him with Da Truth. Tye decided to work things out with his wife, well according to my understanding. He could have took the easy way out, but he remembered his covenant that he had with God between him and his wife. He took a break to get it right, get it tight! I respect him to this day because he didn't give up.

Relationships are hard with in themselves. Being an example to the Ministry or in the Body Of Christ is even harder. Why we put people in the Church Leadership on this high pedestal? We expect Christian Ministers such as Singers and Preachers to have their act together at all times. When they fall we become disappointed. (Psalms 118:8)

Of course God wants us to be Holy, Righteous, and full of integrity. What did Jesus die for if He knew we wouldn't make mistakes? People! I John 1:9 is there for a reason, but not to justify our sins but I cleanse us from sin.

That's why Mercy exists and it goes with Goodness and Grace. That's why we are saved by grace though faith not by works. (Ephesians 2:8) God's Grace is better than any judgemental person that make you feel bad about your "Past Mistakes".

Body Of Christ we need to do better about praying for each other. Remember that if you put God first in your relationship, the rest will be like butter baby!!!!